Monday, March 30, 2020

Free Tutoring Program - Find the Best One For You

Free Tutoring Program - Find the Best One For YouThere are many Free Tutoring Programs that is available online today. The good thing about this is that you can get access to these programs for free. So how do you find out which one is best for you?Well the way that I have found the best free tutoring is by doing a search on Google. All you need to do is type in your needs and then you will see all of the available programs that are available for you. I suggest that you only use a few different programs so that you can really see what is available and how much you would be paying per tutoring session.One of the most popular program that I have found is Teach a Guy to Read. You will find many tutors on this site. In fact, there are over eighty tutors listed on the website.All you need to do to sign up for this tutoring program is to give the tutor your first name and email address. After that you will be able to create a free account. In the beginning you will only be able to take one lesson per day but in the long run you will be able to gain access to more lessons.When you sign up for this program, you will be sent a training course that is available for an hour per day. However, you will not be able to cancel this training course or it will effect your membership. After you have completed the training course, you will then be able to log in and start taking lessons from your tutor.This is just one of the free tutoring programs that you can take advantage of. There are also programs that will allow you to pay a small amount of money each month to access the tutoring program.One other thing that you should consider when you are looking for a free tutoring program is the response time of the tutor. Sometimes they may take longer than you want. This can really add up to your sessions.If you are trying to find a free tutoring program, you should find a few different ones. This will help you decide which program will be the best for you. I hope that this article ha s helped you choose the right tutoring program for you.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Irvine SAT Tutor Why Students should Take the SAT Early

Irvine SAT Tutor Why Students should Take the SAT Early 4 reasons students should take the SAT early Many students choose to take the SAT during their fall term of junior year and are well on their way to preparing for the big day. There are countless strategies for improving SAT scores, but one of the best things students can do to improve their chances of getting into college is to take the SAT early, so they have time to make adjustments to their study habits and retake the test if necessary. When students have time to prepare and work on academic challenges their entire school life will be less stressful and more productive our private Irvine SAT tutors are here to help you with your test prep. 1. Gain points Many students take the SAT practice exam at home and participate in a prep class or private tutoring but find out that their score on the actual test date is not as high as they wanted it to be. This often occurs because students are nervous about taking the exam and have to concentrate for several hours early in the morning. This can result in a score that is slightly lower than they were hoping for but, if students take the test early, they have time to continue their study, work on additional tips and tricks, and take the test again in the spring. 2. Reduce stress If students take the SAT at the last minute, they will be feeling extra nervous about their chances of getting into college. This can be incredibly stressful and take away from a student’s overall academic success and make this chapter of their life less balanced and more difficult. One of the best ways to combat stress at this age is to develop great organizational skills including prepping for essential exams in advance. One of the best things students can do to reduce stress during the college prep years is to take the SAT early on to find out what their situation will be with time to spare (READ: 4 Great Ways to Study for the SAT this Fall). 3. College choice Taking the SAT early will also help students determine which colleges and universities they should apply to. Many students dont know where to start when it comes to college choice so their SAT scores can help steer them in the right direction. Students can talk with their college counselor about which set of colleges they should be applying to based on their current SAT scores. Its a good idea for students to have a couple of reach or dream schools, ones that are difficult for anyone to get into but are worth a shot. Students should also have a comprehensive list of target and safety schools, ones they are more likely to get into or nearly guaranteed to get into under normal circumstances. 4. Useful information for future SAT prep When students take the SAT exam early on in their college prep years, they get to know which problems they consistently struggle with, how fast theyre able to answer questions correctly, and which questions they get right nearly every time. This is very useful information for students to give to their SAT prep tutor to help target their tutoring sessions towards skills they need to improve, making each session more useful. Students will also get to know which problems they excel on, so they dont waste valuable prep time on something they already know. Students can start out by taking a full-length practice test at home, but ultimately the only scores that count are the ones from the real SAT exam. Students who take the test early will know what to expect should they need to take it a second time. Its never too early to start test prep! Our Irvine SAT and ACT tutors are here to help you succeed. Call us today for more information. All blog entries, with the exception of guest bloggers, are written by Tutor Nerds. Are you an education professional? If so, email us at for guest blogging and collaborations. We want to make this the best free education resource in SoCal, so feel free to suggest what you would like to see us write.

Learn Computer Science With A Level Tutor

Learn Computer Science With A Level TutorIf you are planning to earn a degree in computer science, you can do so by taking an advanced level course offered by the University of London. This is the most popular of all computer science courses available in the UK. This course is also known as computer forensics, computer programming, or computer information technology.There are many different courses available in computer forensics that can give you an excellent education and qualification. There are many different subjects and modules available in this course, which means that you can choose the one that you want. The subjects that are covered include computer forensics, internet research, encryption, digital forensics, and internet forensics.The first step in obtaining a degree in computer science is to decide which degree program you want to pursue. There are many different types of degrees that can be obtained through different universities. Your course of choice will be based on t he subject areas that you would like to study.There are many different types of university that offer computer science degrees. You can go to some of the most prestigious universities in the world such as Harvard, MIT, Stanford, and Columbia. If you are from a smaller college, then you should consider your options. You may choose a smaller university that offers programs at a community college rather than having to attend a larger university.When you decide which university you want to attend, you will have to decide which major you want to pursue. Some programs require students to specialize, while others do not. Once you know what you are interested in pursuing, you can choose your course and begin your education in a computer science program.If you want to attend a university that has a variety of classes and programs, you should consider enrolling in a school at the college level. This is because there are many colleges that offer their own specific courses for computer science. The most common type of college that offers computer science degrees is a four-year university. These schools usually offer programs that are focused on certain areas of computer science.A level tutor can help you determine which college or university is best for you. You can find out how to start applying for a computer science degree program by using an online college or university search tool.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

How to Study at Penn Chemistry

How to Study at Penn ChemistryIt can be frustrating to go to Penn Chemistry and not know anything about the course. However, you are very fortunate that it is just that easy. If you visit any local college bookstore, they will probably have the full guide for you to take. But for the many students who do not have the luxury of that, here are some helpful tips.What is the most relevant information you can have? Some colleges have paid for or arranged for a tutor to attend every lecture you missed during your initial attempt at getting to know the class. Others are much more lenient. They offer the course at no cost or with a small fee. Either way, if you feel you do not want to commit to studying at Penn Chemistry, then these can be good sources of information.Do some reading. Get some information from other people who took the course before you. Make notes of what was discussed and what you could improve on as a result of that conversation.Another good choice is to ask a teacher. A p rofessor is likely to be more understanding than a fellow student. Take them up on the offer of sitting in for you. You might also want to ask them to visit your dorm room. That might give you a better idea of what you should expect.Finally, a great option is to attend one of the chemistry lab sessions. These can be free to you if you live in an apartment or house that has an open courtyard and is not officially off campus. It can also be a wonderful way to catch up on the knowledge that you had not yet. If you have not been to one in the past, now is the time to consider attending one.One last thing to consider is what you might not know. There are so many different laboratories out there, and you never know which ones you might like to attend. After all, it is only natural to have gaps in your knowledge. For example, you might have no idea about the proper way to measure Eismann points. In addition, knowing about something that is relatively new to you might be interesting.As you can see, there are many options for learning how to take your PHY at Penn Chemistry. While most people begin at the same level, there are many ways to continue improving. Learn about all of the possibilities.

Why Learn French The Reasons and Benefits of Language Learning

Why Learn French The Reasons and Benefits of Language Learning Why do People Still Study French? ChaptersFrench Words Used in Everyday EnglishThe Benefits of Learning FrenchHow Long Does it Take to Learn French?Is French hard to Learn?Some people think that learning a foreign language, in this day and age, is a needless waste of resources â€" time, money and brain power.With electronic translators that fit right in your pocket and pretty much everyone the world over speaking English anyway, what is the point of learning any foreign language, let alone French?That is an astute observation! Incorrect, but astute nevertheless.The French language has some of the most amusing expressions, such as j'ai un petit creux â€" an adorable way to say I am a bit hungry.Run that phrase through translator software, and you get I'm a little hollow, a near-literal translation that gives no indication of what the sentence actually means.Near-literal translation? It should be I have a little hollow; the mental image giving a clue to the meaning.Online translators try hard, but sometimes they miss t he mark entirely!The question is: how will you know that the app you're using is translating accurately if you have no knowledge of the French language, especially French slang?You can try this experiment for yourself, using a phrase in English. We did!Julie was gutted over losing her job. Gutted means in despair, of course.The translator spit out the French equivalent of: Julie was emptied over losing her job.Close in literal meaning, but in no way does that translation convey the figurative rending that Julie suffered at suddenly being unemployed.And, if you used that French translation of our very British expression in conversation with a native French speaker, you might be quizzed over your sentence's exact meaning.If you can't speak French, how will you explain what you had intended to say?Besides the inaccuracies of translation software â€" and their unintentional, sometimes comical results, here are five other great reasons to learn French that we will discuss in more depth   in this article:The French language is spoken by millions of people worldwide, on 5 continentsThere is a strong bond between English and French, in spite of English being a Germanic language.French is a beautiful, rhythmic tongue; full of nuance and quirky turns of phraseIt is considered a gateway romance language; easy to transition from French to Spanish, Italian and Portuguese; even RomanianThere are so many benefits to being bilingual!Let us now get to the meat of the matter â€" an idiom that translation apps render incomprehensible in French.Find classes taught by a reputable French tutor.Many words related to food and cooking come to us from the French language Source: Pixabay Credit: Photoshootingspink, or even bloody was, till recently, strictly a French affair.We call steaks cooked in that manner rare because it was so infrequent that anyone would eat beef that still bled!Back to your favourite pastimes, now: photography, cuisine, dancing, even visiting an art gallery. Ever y one of these words come to us from the French language, along with cinema and telly and a whole host of others.By some accounts, 40% of words in our dictionary have their roots in French. So many French words populate our common English vocabulary that an entire web page has been dedicated to them!French terms pop up just about everywhere: in botany, geology, technology and especially in the military; in fashion and in political terms that harken back to feudal times.Did you know our governing body, the Parliament, is a French word meaning discussion or negotiation?French phrases Commonly Used in EnglishYou needn't cast a wide net to find everyday phrases in French that we English speakers have appropriated and made our own.We'll bet you have at least heard of these, if not used them yourself:a la carte: when you order individual food items from a menu â€" the cardFollowing the same format, you may have a la mode: according to the current fashion or customJe ne sais quoi â€" used to express an intangible quality; literally I don't know whatMiss Markle has a certain je ne sais quoi that makes her absolutely right to marry a royal.Au courant: literally in the current; meaning awareI read the news every day to stay au courant of world affairsCarte blanche: liberal permission and resources to do as you wish, or as neededmy parents gave me carte blanche to redecorate my flat.French Idioms Used in EnglishAn idiom is a phrase whose collective words give no meaning of the sentiment or idea being expressed.Raining cats and dogs, for example, does not represent hapless puppies and kittens on a forceful downward trajectory, splattering everywhere. Thank goodness!Idioms generally have roots in the specific culture and language they originate in.The phrase lost in translation has never been more apt to describe theses concepts that crumble under the force of conversion to another tongue.Thus it comes as a surprise that we've borrowed more than a few such phrases from our French neighbours.These imports did not undergo interpretation; we've not just appended to our dictionary what the idioms in question represent, but the words used to represent them!Esprit de corps translates to the spirit of the body, but means morale.This phrase was born of military service, in which the soldiers shared a unified mentality of defense and protectionism for one's homeland and ideals.Since then, the usage of this colloquial phrase has expanded to include everything from office politics to solidarity with your mates.If you are as one with the majority, you can say that you have esprit de corps.Do you know this phrase, popularised in song, and even used in one episode of Coronation Street?We all know what voulez vous coucher avec moi ce soir means.Its implication has been rendered genteel in English â€" even if spoken in French. But natives of that language interpret the verb coucher in more... graphic terms.One French idiom that has lost no meaning in translation, ev en though it is used today in its original language is Honi soit qui mal y pense.It means shame to he who thinks ill of it.So impactful was this sentiment that our own Most Noble Order of the Garter adopted it as its motto!In today's modern French vernacular, that phrase is: honni soit qui en pense du mal; changing the sentiment of shame to revilement.To end this segment of French words and phrases commonly used in English, here are a few that are routinely used in English speaking countries that, curiously enough, the French don't use â€" at least not in the way we do.Au naturel: a phrase we use to describe in the nude.The French use it to signal natural settings: a backstage interview (entretien au naturel), or to describe natural colours such as taupe or beige.En masse: how we describe everyone doing the same thing at the same time.For francophones, the word masse is only used to describe physical weight. The closer translation of the sentiment into Canadian French would be bunch .See what a lighthearted, amusing activity it can be to dissect French expressions? Let us now look at other benefits of learning the language of Molière.You would be surprised at the many benefits of learning French! Source: Pixabay Credit: LightstargodThe Benefits of Learning FrenchAs we ascertained at the beginning of this article, language learning in general can be very beneficial.What we've not expounded on is in what ways!For one, people who can speak a second language derive many cognitive benefits that can even help improve their quality of life as they get older.And, while upwardly mobile in the professional world, bilinguals stand to be hired faster and earn more than anyone who has not taken any language courses.Those points remain true whether you learn Chinese or take Spanish courses.But how can French learning benefit you? Why study French, specifically?Let us say you are such an upwardly mobile professional, eagerly anticipating your relocation to Luxembourg or Belg ium, to a lucrative position with a sister firm.Would you have been considered for that job if you spoke only English?What about your love of winter sports? You may want to ski or snowboard down Mont Blanc. Or, if you are a mountain climber, you may aspire to summit the highest peak in western Europe.It is true that you could get by with using English alone in those circumstances, but by embracing the French language, you are also embracing the culture and the people of the land you exercise your passion in.Did you know that French culture is inexorably intertwined with its cuisine? You could hardly claim to be a foodie and not speak French!Being able to communicate with French people while abroad represents a tacit approval of everything that their language and culture represents.You could polish your conversation skills with French speaking people just about anywhere in the world, because the French language is spoken in over 30 countries!Would you like to learn more about the ben efits of learning French as your second language?A Gateway to Further Language StudiesAs your French lessons London progress, you realise that it is both exciting and engaging to acquire language skills.You may perceive an upcoming certification exam, perhaps the DELF, as a finish line that, once you cross it, would signify that you are done with French courses... and where would you go from there?The joy of learning is infectious and, once inoculated with it, you may never want to stop learning languages!That is another reason why studying French is such a great idea.Because French grammar is so similar to the grammar of other romance languages â€" many verbs even conjugate the same way!, it would not be such a great leap to learn Spanish, learn Italian; you could even learn Portuguese after mastering French!Speaking French can give you advantages over monolinguals in the workplace, help broaden your cultural awareness and even help you understand your native language and culture b etter.We can't think of a better reason than that last one to become a francophone!There is no mystical divination of how much time it will take for you to learn French Source: Pixabay Credit: darksouls1How Long Does it Take to Learn French?All fun and excitement aside, learning a second language is a serious undertaking that requires diligence, hard work, and time.Even though we English speakers regularly make use of French vocabulary and idioms - whether we know it or not, any serious language learner would know that studying French is a monumental undertaking that requires dedication and a serious time commitment.How much time does it take to learn French? How long can any French learner expect to stay at intermediate level?Let's go over some of  the reasons why learning French should be a years-long commitment.French Grammar versus English GrammarAs previously discussed, French is Romantic and English is Germanic.That does not mean that anyone with intimate knowledge of the Fren ch language and culture is a dashing heartthrob.Because these linguistic systems have their roots in different cultures, their vocabulary and grammar  bear only a few similarities.A most immediate way to spot a critical difference between the two language systems is with you.Not you specifically, but in using the pronoun you.In our mother tongue, that pronoun is representative of males, females, multiple people or a lone person; anyone you might address, formally or informally.French pronouns emphasise all of these distinctions. However, it is important to note that, when a mixed group is the subject or object of a sentence, the masculine gender is always used.Tu vas avec elles? â€" you will go with that group of females? versus Tu vas avec eux? - used to represent an all-male or mixed group.These differentiations can make conveying ideas a very precise process.Let us see how grammatical gender applies to articles with this sentence: the teacher gave us a homework assignment.In Engl ish, we have no idea if that teacher is male or female, but in French, le maître would represent a male teacher and la maitresse would be a woman who instructs.Even indefinite articles, a and an, are treated to such precision: un and une â€" male and female, respectively.What about the qualifier some; for uncountable nouns? Du is masculine; de la is feminine and des â€" the plural form, is for both.The best way to learn these divisions, of course, is to spend ample time in their study, and their associated rules.Grammar AgreementAs you may well imagine, if articles and pronouns must relate to the subjects' grammatical gender, so too must any adjectives and, where applicable, verb endings.Beginners in French classes all fume that mastering such agreements is one of the most difficult aspects of learning grammar in French.These aspects of French language study need not be antithetical to your motivation in learning this beautiful, complex tongue.Let us cite yet another import into En glish, this time from German, that neatly addresses that concern:Sprachgefühl loosely translates as the feel for the language.By invoking this phenomenon that every language learner  sooner or later experiences, you can be free of rote memorisation of grammar rules, and just let your heart soar with the rhythm and beauty of speaking French!Our best advice for learning French fast: don't be afraid to make mistakes.Just as you don't need to understand the workings of an internal combustion engine to know how to drive a car, so you don't need to ponder every single grammar rule before your utter your first sentence in French!By no means are we suggesting that you throw your French textbook out of the window; only that you will learn French faster if you don't stress over whether you should use le or la; un or une or de or des!Most people in French speaking countries will recognise and applaud your sincere efforts at learning their language, so there is no need to sweat small grammatic al or verb tense mistakes.Is French hard to Learn?The intricacies of learning French grammar aside, you might be surprised at how precise and straightforward the language is, for all of its flowery prose.If you assign the issue of gender agreement to your growing feel for the language, you may find that speaking French is not as complicated, or as daunting as it appeared in your beginner French classes.If you think that grammatical gender and agreement are complicated in French, you should try learning those rules as they apply to Arabic!Is French as hard to learn as you think?What about conjugating verbs in French?Native French speakers appreciate your efforts at learning French Source: Pixabay Credit: Alexis_AminokisFrench Verb TensesCompared to English, verb tenses in French tend to be more inclusive, expanding to nearly double the number of tenses in our language.All questions of mood aside â€" delving into them would make for a ponderous discussion!, we can attest to the fact t hat only about 6 of French's 23 verb tenses are routinely used.Unless you intend to prove your French language skills formally by sitting DELF level C2, most likely you will not often use more than eight of these more elevated constructs.However, we would point out that having so many ways to indicate when an action has occurred is yet more proof attesting to the precision of the French language.As with nouns, pronouns and articles, with certain verbs, agreement again rears its head: any compound verb construction involving être will make use of feminine form; for example: je suis allée is correct if a female went somewhere. The extra E is not applied if a male, or if a group of people are involved. Conjugating irregular verbs  can be a tricky affair, in any language. Fortunately, the list of such predicates is substantially shorter for French than our very long list!Besides, most of the French irregular verbs, such as pouvoir and avoir are used so often that you will soon incorpo rate their various forms into your spoken French with hardly a thought!Syllable Stress and ToneOne aspect of learning how to speak French is its rhythm; specifically the fact that there is no syllable stress required to give a word meaning, as in English.Because English is our native tongue, perhaps we give no thought to two-syllable nouns having a spoken stress on the first syllable, and two-syllable verbs requiring stress on the second syllable.Such a distinction gives our language a lot of double-meaning words.For example: IM-port represents goods that are brought into the country; im-PORT is the act of bringing goods in.Linguistic experts agree that, because of the syllable stress used to give English words meaning, our spoken language sounds choppy.By contrast, the French use no inflection to give meaning to their words. Instead, vocables are grouped into phonic units and delivered with a unique rhythm.As a French learner, you may need some time to get used to that distinctive phraseology.Autodidact Kató Lomb said: Language is the only thing worth knowing poorly.Obviously, no one would not start out a language learning adventure with the intent of gaining poor skills. Still, there is truth in that quote.Don't just take anyone's word for it; discover for yourself why learning French is a great endeavour!

SAT Does Not Have To Be Hard. Read These 6 Tips

SAT Does Not Have To Be Hard. Read These 6 Tips SAT tests evaluate your mind on three fronts: Calculative ability, Comprehension, Knowledge of English and Analytical ability. Let us understand some of the best ways to prepare for SAT by following the 6 steps mentioned below. These steps will build a good foundation and refresh your attitude about appearing for SAT tests. Get your mind right! SAT tests are considered to be hard and there is an air of pessimism surrounding the students. But in fact, it is better to be prepared and confident than to keep wondering about ‘What will happen to me?’ The anxiety most certainly will consume your energy before the test does. Hence, just take a deep breath, relax and start writing the test. You could do some breathing exercises to keep your mind calm and relaxed. Reading ability English comprehension in the SAT test focuses on the student’s ability to read and understand the each paragraph. The student should start reading magazine and newspaper articles. It could be easier to start with reading ‘subjects of interest’ rather than targeting the hard subjects first. Gradually, reading becomes part of your nature and an essential habit. Solve problems Math problems are built around formulas and concepts. Hence it is most essential to understand these concepts first and then target the problems individually. Each problem is going to be different and the student should get into the habit of brainstorming over problems. If you are not a math lover, it is better to let the ‘brain power building’ happen in the initial days and then start knowing about ‘what exactly you could focus on to get better results?’ Eventually you will most certainly get it right!  Identifying mistakes Once you start appearing for mock/practice tests, the areas that require improvement become evident. You actually start building your strengths when you start practicing tests. The whole effort put in timing the test along with the feeling that you are getting better each day is just what you need to become a confident SAT candidate. Try and Try till you succeed! The triangles, squares and hexagons may be a bit difficult to understand initially and the mystery surrounding the identification of commonalities between 5 different diagrams might get a little confusing. Hence, deal with math problems one by one. Do not try to approach all on the same day! Some students try to take an overview of what the test is about and then they might end up losing their confidence. See, it is dangerous failing to know about your strengths and trying to be an all-rounder. You will do well, if you know about what is it that makes you a deserving potential SAT appearing candidate? The answer is different for everyone and you have to find yours, hence the practice. Get habitual to the examination environment Some students get jittery about appearing for examinations because they think the wrong way. They think that examinations are about evaluating my personality and abilities. It is not so! Examinations are there to make you stronger and better. Hence, you need to start preparing for those exams and if you are unprepared â€" you will never know the difference between easy and difficult. It is almost as if having a good or bad opinion about some car, without even trying to test-drive it.

A stress-free and Effective Technology for All Your Academic Help

A stress-free and Effective Technology for All Your Academic Help 0SHARESShare Online Tutoring is a technology that facilitates students to avail academic help after from the comfort of home. It is the new- age model that makes tutoring easy, interactive and informative. Want some help with your child’s education? Online tutoring is the solution. Tutor pace is a tutoring website that provides excellent online tutoring at affordable rates. They have established success records. The website provides specifically trained expert professional tutors. The uses of advanced tools help students from k-12 in better understanding and achieve their expected grades.   The process not only saves the cost of transportation but you can get the option of buying it on a package basis. Working parents don’t want their child to suffer and undoubtedly online tutors benefit their child. There are however, a few questions and myths that you need to clear up before providing online tutoring for your child. A comprehensive internet research would help you to understand the process; so, don’t hesitate and give your child the best with online tutoring. [starbox id=admin]